Dreaming Big of a Tiny House

For my wife and me, the dream of a house with a big, wonderful garden is deeply rooted and in fact, buying  our first real estate object is an incredibly exciting goal we pursue.

But having been looking for our Dream House for two years now, it’s pretty obvious, that “finding the perfect real estate object” is not an easy project.

The hard, cold numbers show us, that it is a pretty daunting task to find a house here in central europe, suitable to our “needs” and not to overpay.   Read more… »

September 2017 dividends and stock purchase

Wow! Time passes so quickly, three quarters are already in the books.

September was a very good month in terms of dividends with ten companies paying me the amount of around USD 440, that’s an increase of almost 20 % year to date, putting my investment income over last nine months to around USD 3’700.

I am well on track to reach my full year goal of USD 4’500 in dividend income. Read more… »